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BBM Protected: New secure instant messaging for business

BBM Protected is the new secure messaging launched by BlackBerry, reserved for companies. This is the first app after the eBBM Suite announced at Mobile World Congress.

With this new app, BlackBerry aims to improve communication between employees and protect company data. For maximum protection, the service set up by BlackBerry improved compared to the BBM app for individuals.
 instant messaging for business, instant messaging, BlackBerry, BBM Protected, secure instant messaging, BlackBerry OS 6.0 , BBM Protected app

"The messages exchanged between two users are encrypted with a unique encryption key. This key is controlled by the company. "To generate the encryption key, both users will have to share a passphrase during their first conversation, in order to authenticate. ( This encryption system also applies to group conversations).

Protected BBM available on devices with BlackBerry OS 6.0 (or later).
BBM Protected: New secure instant messaging for business BBM Protected: New secure instant messaging for business مراجعة من قبل fortech في 8:01 ص تصنيف: 5