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India and Italy, world champions spam

The Dirty Dozen ranking of the most spammers, prepared by the security firm SophosLabs, the United States has been overtaken by India and Italy.

According to SophosLabs, which means each half twelve countries generating the highest number of spams, India - from which 16.1% of spam - is at the top for the third consecutive quarter. Italy, from which 9.4% of spam follows and precedes the United States. Until then kings of spam, they fall to third place (6.5%). After 18 months away, the UK is back in the rankings to 12th place with 2.1%.

But this classification does not mean that India creates all these spams: they are infected computers in the country that relay, sending unwanted messages in mailboxes around the world.
Housing 5.3% of all global Internet, India is second only to China and the United States in terms of connectivity. However, only 10.2% of the population has Internet access and a significant portion of computers is not sufficiently protected from malware and viruses that turn PCs into spam relay.
In fact, any computer can be transformed into that of SophosLabs Graham Cluley called "zombie slaves eaters spam, controlled by cyber criminals who make money by promoting dubious products or by using malicious spam to infect computers. "

India and Italy, world champions spam India and Italy, world champions spam مراجعة من قبل fortech في 7:15 م تصنيف: 5