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Get the form of IOS 7 for your browser Google Chrome

Carry Ios 7 to your Chrome, a customizable new tab page with Ios 7 style, App Store, games and that's only the tip of the iceberg. Let the fun start with IOS 7 Home.

As a starter, please, click and hold on a second on any app icon then let the fun begin.

Ios 7 Home is an extraordinary and a stunning chrome extension that swaps your accepted new tab page with another a la mode and a customizable unified with Ios 7 style and characteristics; so you might feel like you are utilizing one of Apple units not only a conventional a Chrome particularly when your chrome is on full screen mode (press F11).
Carry Ios 7 to your Chrome, a customizable new tab page with Ios 7 style, App Store, games and that's only the tip of the iceberg. Let the fun start.

Ios 7 Home is an extraordinary and a stunning chrome extension that swaps your accepted new tab page with another a la mode and a customizable unified with Ios 7 style and characteristics; so you might feel like you are utilizing one of Apple units not only a conventional a Chrome particularly when your chrome is on full screen mode
Ios 7 Home gave you a chance to get a charge out of doing everything you used to do on your Ios 7 gadgets. you have different screens and you can navigate through them by utilizing the rodent or console, additionally you can actuate the alter mode for applications by clicking and holding on for a brief moment on any application then you can move applications between screen pages, revamp them, or erase any application you need  (Double click or Esc to deactivate alter mode).

Ios 7 Home offers a great deal of customizations and settings, you can investigate Ios 7 home settings by clicking on the settings icon and from the settings new window you can change wallpaper, fare and import settings, also you can add any site you need to your ios7 Home.

At long last, Ios 7 Home offers an App Store, a spot where you can uncover all prominent locales from all classes (recreations, social, news… others) and you can fix whatever requisition you like notwithstanding that, you can supervise all your commissioned chrome applications from chrome applications classification in the app store.

->Download IOS 7 Home 
Get the form of IOS 7 for your browser Google Chrome Get the form of IOS 7 for your browser Google Chrome مراجعة من قبل fortech في 3:23 م تصنيف: 5