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Google Maps of U.S. armed Online

Smile, you're on file: it could be the new slogan of the Journal News, who recently published an interactive map of U.S. in possession of firearms.

A small red dot for each individual gun. This is the American newspaper The Journal News who is behind this project. Using interactive Google Maps, the newspaper published the addresses of individuals possessing a firearm license.

Limited to the counties of Westchester and Rockland, in the state of New York, the card does not specify whether these individuals possess a weapon or only permit or nature (hunting license, etc.). Handguns are only concerned because weapons like guns do not require a permit to purchase.

Beyond the question of the relevance of this map (which is much talked about it), this is the theme of free access to confidential information on the Net is raised. Confidential information if it finally, because they were all accessible via the law of freedom of information. Dating from 1966, it allows any citizen to obtain administrative information. The list of these license holders were made public by the laws of the state. The question of the limits of privacy arises.
Google Maps of U.S. armed Online Google Maps of U.S. armed Online مراجعة من قبل fortech في 4:10 م تصنيف: 5