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Bitly : user accounts compromised

Famous URL shortener Bitly issued a warning notice on its blog, stating that the accounts of users of the service have been compromised, without specifying the nature and extent of the attack it suffered. Users are prompted to change their password and their access keys for connecting to various third Bitly services, including Facebook and Twitter.

If Bitly suspect an attack that compromised an unspecified number of user accounts, the specific services that no cases of piracy has so far been demonstrated.

On its official blog, the editor explains that, as a precaution, temporarily invalidated the access data to connect Bitly to Facebook and Twitter, as well as share links on these two social networks.
Bitly, URL shortener, Bitly URL shortener, Bitly attack, Bitly issued a warning, internet,

Always as a precaution, Bitly prompts users to change their API key, their OAuth token and reset their password. These measures involve updating the credentials used to connect Bitly to different third party service before reconnecting to the relevant applications. 
Bitly : user accounts compromised Bitly : user accounts compromised مراجعة من قبل fortech في 7:21 ص تصنيف: 5