Dark Mail Alliance, Security emails 3.0
Both companies Silent Circle and Lavabit, who had abandoned their solutions to secure e-mail, announced the creation of The Dark Alliance Mail. The project aims to bring together partners to provide a protocol and a secure architecture, open source and "next generation".
This is the story of two companies, Silent Circle and Lavabit who had abandoned their projects secure messaging last summer because of too much pressure from the U.S. government (to summarize the situation in a few words ). Under these adverse conditions, they had preferred to throw in the towel rather than compromise the security of their customer data.
This was followed by all the information that we now know, from the information revealed by Edward Snowden, the NSA, Prism and whatnot. But these same two companies have decided to get back into the deep end by creating the Dark Mail Alliance, a consortium whose goal is "to give the world a unique protocol and encrypted end-to-end architecture and a represent the next generation of private e-mails and secure services. "
Encryption based on SCIMP
This is the story of two companies, Silent Circle and Lavabit who had abandoned their projects secure messaging last summer because of too much pressure from the U.S. government (to summarize the situation in a few words ). Under these adverse conditions, they had preferred to throw in the towel rather than compromise the security of their customer data.
For now, Silent Circle and Lavabit are only smooth but expect the participation of other companies. "Our ultimate goal is to make the open source protocol and architecture to help implement this technology to provide a solution to security concerns monitoring, back doors and other threats."
The technology used is the little details. However, we know that it will propose a "peer-to-peer" end to end encryption, based on instant messaging protocol SCIMP Silent Circle as well as XMPP, also known as Jabber. The encryption key messages will meanwhile ephemeral erased after each exchange email. The strength of the protocol is to encrypt both the message that the header or metadata that is not the case of other cryptographic protocols, such as PGP.
Several companies already seem interested in the project. Responsible for Outlook.com At Microsoft, David Dennis, found the idea interesting. Especially an integrator to use Dark Mail in various email clients will be offered in the weeks and months ahead.
Dark Mail Alliance, Security emails 3.0
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