Twitter facilitate secure mobile access and research
Users on iOS and Android Twitter can now securely authenticate their mobile app without going through sending an SMS. The microblogging site has also expanded its research tools.
Twitter has simplified secure its account for users of mobile devices running iOS or Android access. These can now enable strong authentication in two steps (introduced in May) since their parameters. He had previously received a verification code via SMS. Push notifications are also managed from the settings. Another new app displays the results of research as pictures gallery.
In addition, research tools Twitter have recently introduced more detailed and visual results that allow the user to more readily account information may be of interest. Research the people will return eg biographies.
The microblogging site also carries a formal context of "social network" type highlighting the relationship between the user and the accounts provided in the search results. Twitter adds saved searches and the most recent results that can be viewed by the user as he grabbed his research.

In addition, research tools Twitter have recently introduced more detailed and visual results that allow the user to more readily account information may be of interest. Research the people will return eg biographies.
The microblogging site also carries a formal context of "social network" type highlighting the relationship between the user and the accounts provided in the search results. Twitter adds saved searches and the most recent results that can be viewed by the user as he grabbed his research.
Twitter facilitate secure mobile access and research
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7:04 م