EFF complaint against the NSA on behalf of twenty associations
After the FIDH (International Federation of Human Rights) and the French League for Human Rights, it is the turn of nineteen other American associations complaint against the NSA (National Security Agency).
The lawsuit was launched yesterday by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), very involved in the defense of rights and freedoms on the Internet independent organization. Other associations include Greenpeace, Human Rights Watch, an association for the defense of gun owners ... and even a Baptist church in Los Angeles.
Counsel for the EFF said: "The fear of some find themselves facing, after taking part in political debates on burning issues can deter people from participating. That is why the Supreme Court ruled in 1958 that the lists of group members had strong protections under the First Amendment of the Constitution, which guarantees freedom of expression. "In fact, for these associations, the systematic collection of metadata calls of U.S. citizens (number and duration of calls) empowers governments to monitor the activities of groups and identify their members.
Against them, the defense may rely on the first explanation by officials since the beginning of the case "Prism" for them, the metadata is used in cases of suspected "terrorist" activity . In addition, to access conversations, an individual mandate is required.
Counsel for the EFF said: "The fear of some find themselves facing, after taking part in political debates on burning issues can deter people from participating. That is why the Supreme Court ruled in 1958 that the lists of group members had strong protections under the First Amendment of the Constitution, which guarantees freedom of expression. "In fact, for these associations, the systematic collection of metadata calls of U.S. citizens (number and duration of calls) empowers governments to monitor the activities of groups and identify their members.
Against them, the defense may rely on the first explanation by officials since the beginning of the case "Prism" for them, the metadata is used in cases of suspected "terrorist" activity . In addition, to access conversations, an individual mandate is required.
EFF complaint against the NSA on behalf of twenty associations
مراجعة من قبل fortech
3:58 م