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Hollywood studios caught trying to hack movies

Download based on the BitTorrent protocol is easy. The solution is one of the easiest ways to repatriate illegal content on its hard disk, and this is probably why it is so popular with pirates ... who are sometimes in the local Hollywood studios, the genre of Paramount Pictures Warner Bros., Disney, Sony Pictures and 20th Century Fox.

The site TorrentFreak has succeeded, with the help of the company monitoring Scaneye to prove that certain employees of the companies had already raised downloaded feature films totally illegal. Stating that is only the visible part of the iceberg, since it has listed the files currently being shared. Undoubtedly, many employees downloading from the premises of their society at least the presence of mind not to share illegal content they download.

Employees of Sony Picture downloading Ice Age of 20th Century Fox through Disney employees who pirate Fast and Furious 6 from their place of work, the list is long, and comical. then, the MPAA can probably continue to give lessons.
Hollywood studios caught trying to hack movies Hollywood studios caught trying to hack movies مراجعة من قبل fortech في 1:09 م تصنيف: 5