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Pegasystems buys co browsing Firefly Technology

The simultaneous tool for web content sharing "co browsing Firefly" acquired by Pegasystems will be integrated by the publisher in its customer service applications and sales.

The publisher Pegasystems, business process management specialist, has acquired the startup Profitable Corporation (founded in 2012 in Philadelphia) for its Firefly technology. It is implemented in a co-browsing software available in the cloud. It allows remote users, such as a consumer and customer service, share simultaneously visiting web pages. Customers can run this co-browsing from their mobile device.
Pegasystems buys co browsing Firefly, Pegasystems, co browsing Firefly, co browsing Firefly Technology, Firefly Technology, web content sharing, internet,
The technology is platform independent can run from PC, Mac, smartphones and tablets running iOS or Android. Pegasystems want to use Firefly in its Build for Change platform and its applications of customer service and sales. Facilitating content sharing, co-browsing facilitates interactions with customers and increases the conversion rate of website visits. Pegasystems also offer the Firefly technology independently.
Pegasystems buys co browsing Firefly Technology Pegasystems buys co browsing Firefly Technology مراجعة من قبل fortech في 11:35 ص تصنيف: 5