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App to learn more about the Curiosity Probe

The U.S. space agency has an app in Windows 8 and RT which allows to discover the Curiosity probe that explores in March last year.
App to learn more about the Curiosity Probe for android, ios, windows phone
NASA has launched a free app for Windows 8 and Windows RT gives details on Curiosity, the probe was launched a year ago by the U.S. space agency to explore Mars. Once the animation is complete you end up with a 3D model of the robot parked on the surface of Mars. Simply use the touch screen or the mouse to move the viewing angle and zoom in or out.

The U.S. space agency has an app in Windows 8 and RT which allows to discover the Curiosity probe that explores in March last year
Download Curiosity Probe App

The entire demo is static, no video animation. When rotates around the probe, windows on its various parts are displayed. By clicking on an icon, a sidebar opens automatically on the left side of the screen and gives a detailed explanation of the section in question. Most sidebars contain a picture or two, and are highly enriched text. 
App to learn more about the Curiosity Probe App to learn more about the Curiosity Probe مراجعة من قبل fortech في 7:36 م تصنيف: 5