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UK: BPI tackles proxy Pirate Party to access The Pirate Bay

After obtaining justice blocking The Pirate Bay in the United Kingdom, the armed wing of the British music industry now eying a bypass system developed by the Pirate Party. In a letter, the BPI has asked for political organization kindly close the proxy, which allows British have indirect access to the famous site links torrents.

n February, The Pirate Bay was found guilty of infringement by the High Court of Justice in London. The judges felt that the site links torrents did nothing to prevent the provision of protected works, when he had the power. In the aftermath, the justice also acceded to the demands of the association headquarters in the United Kingdom, the British Phonographic Industry (BPI), which called for including the blocking of the famous Swedish site. ISPs began quickly in battle, and began to block access to The Pirate Bay, for example in the month of May for Virgin Media.

Un contournement pointé du doigt par la BPI

 But behind the scenes, trying to do some resistance. The Pirate Party UK, for example, decided to put in place from April proxy, to bypass the blockage ordered by the court. This device "allows anyone to connect to The Pirate Bay's servers via the Pirate Party, regardless of the obstacles imposed by ISPs," says political movement on its website. "We believe that websites should not be blocked simply because some organizations believe that they interfere with their business model," thereby justifying the Pirate Party, noting that TPB can also sound uses of copyright (sharing free software or open source, free music, etc..).

As blocking The Pirate Bay became effective in the United Kingdom, the site of the Pirate Party won in attendance (see chart below). As is so today, it is up to the 151st most popular sites in Britain, before Netflix and Huffnigton Post.

(Source : Alexa.)
But this popularity does not seem to taste the arm of the British music industry. Indeed, BPI has just sent a letter to the Pirate Party, in which she asked him to kindly shut his proxy. The BBC, which could see the letter, reported that the Director of BPI Geoff Taylor says that "freedom of expression is not an absolute right." This fact figure Picnic reply to arguments of the Pirate Party, which consist of regularly assert that its proxy serves precisely to defend freedom of expression. To the head of the BPI, this fundamental freedom must "respect the rights of others, including those whose talent, work and investment help to create music and other entertainment."

"We will not be taking the proxy down"
To our colleagues at the BBC, Geoff Taylor criticized the arguments of the Pirate Party, saying that they used to feed a "false debate". The arm of the British music industry also emphasizes that it is justice itself has ordered these measures against The Pirate Bay. "The consequences of blocking this site on human rights have been fully considered by the High Court," and he argues. "Whatever their point of view, the Pirate Party UK is no more above the law than anyone else," concluded Geoff Taylor, implying that the organization does not comply with the law.
For its part, the leader of the Pirate Party UK, Loz Kaye, has already said he would meet the BPI before the deadline indicated by Geoff Taylor, on 6 December. The content and the details of its response should be disclosed to the public. Although he did not specify what would be the substance of his message, it's a safe bet that an end address of inadmissibility British majors. "We will not be taking the proxy down" has ensured the Pirate Party on his Twitter account.

UK: BPI tackles proxy Pirate Party to access The Pirate Bay UK: BPI tackles proxy Pirate Party to access The Pirate Bay مراجعة من قبل fortech في 2:12 م تصنيف: 5